Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Transparent, ribbon blows in wind
Wake the breeze light and brisk
A cardinal in red with nowhere to land
A search for warmth none comprehend.

Branch gives rest to weary wing
Traveled far, a search for meaning
Sleep ensues to give soul peace
Beneath the shade of an Orchid Tree

You stir the air nobody knows
Orchid Tree.

Orchid scent. Alters with time
First, from cathedral; A Sunday fume
Earl grey steeps in afternoon cast
Fades with spices and tongue. Cinnamon.

To grace her feet I kneel and wait.
Nose knows that which none can see.
Night befalls a smoke filled room.
Ivory ghost adorned. Golden. Honey.

Just a dream; no touch no sound.
My eyes stay closed and breath ensues.
Nostrils flared; reality skews.
That dream which I know is ultimately true.

You stir the air; nobody knows
But me
Orchid Tree.